New Era Loading…

Hello friends! I think it's time for some fresh content around here. These early years of motherhood have been quite a ride, and I've allowed my hobbies and passions to take a backseat. Now in my second trimester of my third pregnancy, I feel like time is slipping away—not just for my own dreams and goals, but also regarding my family and the aspirations I've set for the next five years and beyond.

Creativity has always been a part of who I am, whether through simple arts and crafts with my kids or through nearly a decade of blogging. However, I haven't quite had the lifestyle to support the growth I so earnestly seek. But with 2025 on the horizon, I'm determined to set some ambitious and slightly intimidating goals for my platforms.

I hope this space can serve as a corner of the internet where I can express my thoughts and feelings as a mother, wife, and individual. No pressure, just good vibes. Whether it’s sharing links, discussing life updates, or revealing upcoming projects, I'm open to making this space whatever I need it to be—with your input along the journey.

So…hi again! I see this as the launch of a thrilling new chapter, and I hope you’ll be along for the ride.


Hoppy Easter Finds 2025


Amazon Easter Basket Stuffers For Babies And Toddlers